5 min read
Five Nutritional Changes Men Over 40 Must Make to Fight Belly Bloating
Ugh… Misery… Bloating is a term used when the abdomen becomes visibly extended, and may be accompanied by cramps, gas and a physical feeling
4 min read
Man-O-Pause: What To Do Before Asking Your Doctor for Testosterone Therapy
Each year that I reach past the age of forty it becomes increasingly clearer to me: women aren’t the only ones who go through hormonal...
3 min read
The 3 Must Take Supplements For Men and Women 40 and Older
While it's better to get your nutrients from foods, there are just some absolutely critical nutrients that we simply don't get enoug
4 min read
The BEST way to GET FIT After Turning Forty
Yes, age brings on changes and unique circumstances, but it’s not to be used as an excuse for preventing you from doing what your body was m
4 min read
Cholesterol Myths and What You Can Do About Them
While cholesterol is a molecule, what it is bound to while floating through the blood is more important than how much of it there actually i
3 min read
Why Having A Flat Belly Matters More As You Age
Have you ever heard of the fruity body shape descriptions labeled as an “apple” or a “pear”? The apple is kinda round around the middle (yo
2 min read
What To Do When You Are Too Sick For A Massage
I know you’re feeling terrible and you’d really love to get a massage when you have the aches and pains of a bad cold – but here’s what will
3 min read
How To Put Mid-Life Insomnia To Rest
Have you noticed that sleeping through the night seems to get tougher the older we get? Never mind that we’re already feeling exhausted just
1 min read
Water Works: How to Hydrate with Taste
You know you should be laying off the sodas and drinking more water. So, why haven't you been doing that? The usual response to that que
4 min read
How Men Over 40 Can Maintain Energy, Muscle and Strength (and even re-build it)
Like puberty, this hormonal decline doesn't arrive for every guy at the same age. For some, it arrives late in life. While for others, i