Cod liver oil. Anybody remember that stuff? It's come along way since my childhood days when my grandmother used to force-feed it to me. That, and prune juice were her thing. Yech... But now you can buy cod liver oil that comes in tasty flavors and even capsule form. I like the capsules, myself. They're SO much better than the 'hold your nose and swallow' method I relied on as a kid. I never understood what grandma's deal was in force-feeding me the stuff but I now use it mainly to help me maintain my vitamin D levels. Why is that important? Well, first of all, it's important because when you're as fair skinned and sun sensitive as I am, the body is unable to to get enough sunlight to synthesize vitamin D on its own. Vitamin D (a hormone, technically) is incredibly important because it helps support your body in so many ways; from maintaining a healthy immune system and brain functioning, to strengthen your bones and fighting the symptoms of depression. The good news is that there are many ways you can get your daily dose of vitamin D, and here's a small list I've compiled just for you: Sunlight is by far the easiest and least expensive. Just don't go overboard. Skin cancer, wrinkles and leathery skin are still the side effects of overexposure. About 10 minutes (20 at the most) of "get outdoors" sunlight should do the trick. Fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, tuna and trout (even sardines) are all good sources of vitamin D. [BONUS] - These fish can also provide you with heart healthy omega-3's. Eggs are another good source. Nowadays you can find fortified eggs from free range chickens and brand name providers like Eggland's Best. Prescription grade supplements are an option, too. I learned this a few years back during a routine physical. My doc tested my vitamin D levels and they were at a 7 (normal range is 30-50)... So, he "jump-started" my intake of vitamin D with a two week prescription of 50,000 iu capsules taken once daily. After I was able to bring my levels up to normal range, I have been able to maintain my numbers using a combination of over the counter supplements and the same dietary recommendations I've listed above. However, if you haven't had your D levels tested and you're over 40 years old, I suggest you see your primary care physician for an assessment. That way you'll know precisely where to start. For a more in depth article on Vitamin D and a list of deficiency symptoms (and a list of foods with their exact correlation of Vitamin D), take a look at this article: drake.com/vitamin-d-deficiency-symptoms That's all I've got for you today. Let me know your favorite way of getting your Vitamin D in the comment section below. I look forward to hearing from you. And, as always, I'm here to answer questions or help with your health and fitness programming. So, contact me anytime. Keep moving toward a better you!